Your fortnightly guide to CPD courses (2 June 2022) |
Join the lunch webinar on 13 June. The speakers will talk about key findings of the whitepaper – Asia's workforce awakes to ESG and discuss ways to engage and retain young accounting professionals during the Great Resignation. The role of ESG in helping with employee engagement and retention as well as practical tips to spur staff engagement will also be shared. |
The Mainland Business Interest Group (MBIG) and Property, Infrastructure and Construction Interest Group (PICIG) will organize a joint webinar on 27 June, the speaker will discuss what happens in a debt restructuring; how the market views the default and debt restructuring; and future of this market for anyone who is interested in this avenue. Read the A Plus article for a preview of what to expect from the webinar. |
With the growing focus on environmental, social and governance (ESG), implementing a circular economy in your business is a key solution to making it more sustainable. The programme Circular Economy and Sustainability Strategies provides in-depth knowledge about sustainability and ways to grow a sustainable business by incorporating circular economy principles. This online programme, offered by Cambridge Judge Business School, University of Cambridge, will commence on 30 June 2022 and consists of six online modules, comprising of recorded lectures and live webinars. It runs for six weeks with a duration of 24 hours. |
Entities listing on HKEX series – Session 6: Listed companies in distress and restructuring landscape in Hong Kong |
CPD hour: 2 | 6 June |
Entities listing on HKEX series – Session 7: internal controls for IPO and listed company |
CPD hour: 2 | 9 June |
Entities listing on HKEX series – Session 8: The requirement & technical issues of valuation in IPO |
CPD hour: 2 | 10 June |
Entities listing on HKEX series – Session 9: General company secretary issues |
CPD hour: 2 | 13 June |
Entities listing on HKEX series – Session 10: Common PRC legal issues for listing |
CPD hour: 2 | 15 June |
Live webinar: HKFRS 3 Business Combinations |
CPD hour: 2 | 21 June |
ForensIG webinar: Roles of forensic accountants in combating corruption and related financial crimes |
CPD hour: 1 | 23 June |
The GBA Experience Sharing Series |
CPD hour: 1 | 28 June |
RIF webinar: First recognition order under the pilot arrangement for mutual recognition and assistance in insolvency proceedings between Hong Kong and the Mainland |
CPD hour: 1 | 28 June |
Best Corporate Governance and ESG Awards series: A look at the new requirement on "Corporate Culture" under the CG Code |
TF webinar: BEPS 2.0 Pillar Two Commentary - Guidance on interpretation and application of the Model Rules |
Corporate Rescue & Restructuring and Cross-border Insolvency Module (Jul – Dec 2022) |
CPD hour: 28 | July – December |
GBA Seminar: Challenges and opportunities for ESG development |
10 Jun. A seminar organized under the HKTDC Transformation Sandbox programme. Industry experts and representatives will introduce the concepts of ESG, the challenges and opportunities for SMEs on ESG development, and how Hong Kong companies can upgrade their businesses with ESG financing solutions and government incentives. |
BEC EnviroSeries Conference |
17 Jun. Organized by the Business Environment Council (BEC), the upcoming BEC EnviroSeries Conference titled “Driving Business Ambition into Action for a Net-Zero Hong Kong” aims to prepare and galvanize Hong Kong businesses to join force in the race to net-zero carbon. |
Free Accountancy Forum 2022 |
25 Jun. The Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education will hold a free webinar on contemporary issues in accounting. Invited speakers, namely Prof. Hon. Nelson Lam, Mr. Roy Lo and Hon. Edmund Wong will cover topics on "Hong Kong financial development and security within the national development", "Latest updates on corporate governance code and related listing rules", and "Development and opportunities of family office in Hong Kong" respectively. Register now. |
ASIFMA Compliance Asia Conference |
28-30 Jun. The Asia Securities Industry & Financial Markets Association (ASIFMA) is organizing the ASIFMA Compliance Asia Conference, where over 1,000 industry representatives from sell-side, buy-side, regulators, law firms, consultants and media come together to meet and discuss the latest compliance issues, emerging trends, and practical applications to strengthen the compliance programs. Register here. |
CGMA programme – Special offer to QP-qualified Institute members |
22-24 Jul. The Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA) is offering enrolment in the Chartered Global Management Accountant (CGMA) programme at a special rate for Institute members who qualified through the Qualification Programme (QP). The course provides training for the CIMA Strategic Case Study Exam and serves as a path to obtain the CGMA designation. The early bird enrolment deadline has been extended to 22 June and a free information sessions will be held on 16 June. |
PolyU x PASS e-seminar on ESG Integrity in Sustainable Finance |
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University's (PolyU) free e-seminar series aims to bring together accounting professionals working in different sectors who are interested in green finance, environmental, social and governance (ESG) reporting and ESG investments. The latest e-seminar of the series discussed ESG integrity. You may watch the recordings here. |
Install the HKICPA Events app |
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