Your fortnightly guide to CPD courses (29 July 2022) |
How to apply for CPD exemption |
Except for Practising Certificate or Specialist Designation holders, members who are not carrying out any accountancy or accountancy related work, and do not plan to do so for a significant period of time; and are not directors of any companies, may apply to the Institute for continuing professional development (CPD) exemption. Click to learn more about CPD exemption. Find all other FAQ on CPD here. |
Enrol for the lunch webinar organized by the Mainland Business Interest Group (MBIG) on 6 September to learn about the remittance issues involved in buying and selling real estate in the Mainland, the risk of remitting funds through money exchangers, how to repatriate salaries or profits made from business operations in the Mainland to Hong Kong, and more. |
Last call for enrolment – Join the webinar on 24 August, where the speakers will cover the relationship between environmental, social and governance (ESG) and company valuation. The way ESG performance affects a company's valuation, how to make use of ESG data and ratings for investment decision, and the ways to improve ESG ratings and performances will be discussed. |
The Institute is delighted to join hands with Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand (CA ANZ) Hong Kong and the Hong Kong Productivity Council (HKPC) to offer a free seminar on 16 August at 1 p.m. – 2 p.m., to members on the latest funding opportunities to support local SMEs and start-ups to expand their businesses in Hong Kong, the Greater Bay Area (GBA) and in other regions. One CPD hour will be granted to participants. The event will be conducted via Zoom. Seats are allocated on a first-come-first-served basis. Please click here for details. A speaker from HKPC will cover BUD Fund, SME Export Marketing Fund (EMF) and Technology Voucher Programme (TVP) which are focused on business expansion and technology adoption for process enhancement. Please click here to register. |
Realizing sustainable finance opportunities |
CPD hour: 1.5 | 16 August |
The Hong Kong and PRC Financial Regulators that Every Accountant Should Know |
CPD hour: 2 |
How can SMEs apply for EMF, TVP and BUD government funding to enhance their businesses? |
CPD hour: 2 |
The I Ching leadership wisdom in the Web3.0 era |
RIF webinar: Current corporate restructuring developments in Cayman and Hong Kong |
TF webinar: Get ready for the refined foreign source income exemption regime for passive income |
Last call for enrolment – Join the International Tax Course (August – December 2022) to enhance your expertise |
CPD hour: 38.5 | August – December |
IFRS/HKFRS 17 Insurance Contracts Workshops (26 August, 5, 13 and 21 September 2022) |
CPD hour: 24.5 | August – September |
Forum on Opportunities in the GBA for the Younger Generation |
6 Aug. The forum organized by The Institute of Accountants Exchange will cover topics including the past and future of the Greater Bay Area (GBA); development of green finance and fintech in the GBA; as well as opportunities for young accountants in the GBA. |
HKPC InnoPreneur Network free webinar: Get FUND with Ease |
11 Aug. SME ReachOut of the Hong Kong Productivity Council (HKPC), one of the eClinics of the InnoPreneur Network will bring SMEs an e-workshop series titled "Get FUND with Ease" to assist them in business expansion through the BUD Fund ("Dedicated Fund on Branding, Upgrading and Domestic Sales"), with a focus on form-filling and application tactics. |
Belt and Road Summit 2022 |
31 Aug – 1 Sep. The Belt and Road Summit hosted by the Hong Kong Trade Development Council is a premier international platform for promoting business collaboration along the Belt and Road. The summit gathers senior government officials and business leaders from countries and regions along and beyond the Belt and Road to exchange insights on multilateral cooperation and explore business opportunities. Register here. |
Install the HKICPA Events app |
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