Your fortnightly guide to CPD courses (7 October 2022) |
The Institute's popular Insolvency Preparatory I course, which focuses on building an understanding of the basic principles of insolvency administration, will begin in November 2022 over five webinars. Sign up for the introductory course by 31 October to obtain preparatory knowledge needed to pursue a career in insolvency and related areas. |
This series will talk about the four critical end-to-end business processes and the embedding of controls when designing ERP systems. The ways to develop an effective and efficient audit plan will also be shared. Case studies will be used for demonstration. |
Enrol in the two newly added e-Series courses to learn more about Special Purpose Acquisition Company (SPAC) for accountants, the main changes on the Main Board Listing Rules relating to transactions and on-going compliance matters. |
The Business Valuation Programme aims to provide insight into the valuation of various assets and is intended for new valuation specialists or those interested in a career in valuations. A new intake will commence in October. |
Don't miss the chance to join the virtual conference on 22 October to learn more about how to succeed in the new digital era. A panel of speakers from different background will share their insights on the latest developments of technology in Hong Kong, as well as on future trends, developing a data mindset, experience on AI and Cloud applications in their organizations, and more. |
Come and join the Institute's upcoming face-to-face conference organized for Professional Accountants in Business (PAIB) on 12 November, where three panels of respected speakers will discuss and share their insights on the latest trends and developments relating to the power of ESG and digital technologies to help evolve business and operating models in ways that positively impact the world and better meets the needs of corporations. |
Recent developments on the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, and its interpretation |
CPD hour: 1 | 10 October |
Corporate finance series – Red flag alerts for HK listed companies during COVID-19 |
CPD hour: 1.5 | 11 October |
Corporate finance series – Asian bond investments during uncertain times |
CPD hour: 1.5 | 18 October |
Analysis of the current application of artificial intelligence by enterprises |
CPD hour: 1.5 | 20 October |
Case study workshop - 2022 hot topics on China and Hong Kong cross-border personal tax |
CPD hour: 1.5 | 25 October |
Corporate finance series – How to structure trade finance facilities for accountants (export line)? |
CPD hour: 1.5 | 26 October |
Annual auditing update 2022: "Strengthening trust and audit quality" |
CPD hour: 3.5 | 29 October |
Accounting considerations for a Special Purpose Acquisition Company (SPAC) |
CPD hour: 2 | 1 November |
Climate-related implications on financial reporting |
CPD hour: 1.5 | 8 November |
Corporate finance series – How to structure trade finance facilities for accountants (import line)? |
CPD hour: 1.5 | 10 November |
Industry update relating to investment funds |
CPD hour: 2 | 15 November |
Guardian role of professionals in upholding ethical governance |
CPD hour: 1.5 | 22 November |
Amendments to HKAS 1 Presentation of Financial Statements |
CPD hour: 1.5 | 23 November |
Industry update relating to licensed corporations |
CPD hour: 1 | 6 December |
HKAS 36 Impairment of Assets |
CPD hour: 1.5 | 9 December |
ICAC workshop on ethical decision making |
CPD hour: 1.5 | 26 October |
Workshop for audit managers/seniors in-charge |
CPD hour: 21 | 4, 9 and 11 November |
FoE (HK) Executive Certificate in ESG Analysis & Green Finance Valuation |
19 October – 16 November. Organized by the Friends of the Earth (FoE) (HK), this course aims to provide participants with the knowledge of recent development of ESG investing, international ESG Reporting standards & frameworks such as those from the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) and Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD) in order to evaluate the associated risks which forms the basis to assess sustainability reports. |
Morning Webinar – The China Fraud Landscape – Has anything changed? |
3 November. The Association of Certified Fraud Examiners Hong Kong Chapter will be holding a morning webinar about the latest fraud landscape in China on 3 November 2022. Institute and Forensics Interest Group members can enjoy a discount. |
2022 Hong Kong Chartered Tax Adviser Conference |
18 November. The Taxation Institute of Hong Kong will hold the conference "Leading Tax Profession in the New Era". Speakers will cover topics such as optimization of the future direction for tax and business policy formulation, as well as what tax issues should businesses and individuals/employees be aware of under the changed way of conducting business, the mode of operation and the working patterns. |
HKiNEDA Annual Conference 2022 |
10 December. Register now for the Hong Kong Independent Non-Executive Director Association (HKiNEDA) Annual Conference 2022: A New Era in Governance: Carbon Neutrality and Board Diversity, and enjoy a discount rate for its online ticket as a member of supporting organization. |
Install the HKICPA Events app |
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