Your fortnightly guide to CPD courses (18 November 2022) |
Selected for the CPD audit? |
Every year the Institute conducts a CPD audit with samples selected on a risk-based process. Members selected for the audit are required to submit to the Institute their CPD records of the relevant reporting CPD period with documentation to support attendance or completion of the CPD activities as stated in their CPD records; and a statement on the relevancy of the CPD activities. Members who are selected for the CPD compliance audit but fail to adequately respond to or pass the audit will not be allowed to renew their membership. Find all other FAQ on CPD here. |
In this webinar, speakers will share their experience on succession planning including the challenges faced during the succession process, the value-added areas in accounting, options of succession planning and suggestions for CPA Practices on succession planning. |
The SMP Symposium is an annual flagship event organized by the Small and Medium Practices Committee (SMPC) of the Institute. Themed "Thriving in the new era: Opportunities now and beyond" this year, the 2022 SMP Symposium is set to provide a one-stop update on the topical issues affecting SMPs to help practitioners manage the key challenges they face and explore opportunities that have emerged from the latest developments. |
Don't miss the popular collaborative courses with AICPA/CIMA on the topic of information technology. |
Six courses on the topic of interpersonal skills are highlighted for your selection. Enrol in these soft skills training courses to enhance your personal and professional development. |
Guardian role of professionals in upholding ethical governance |
CPD hour: 1.5 | 22 November |
Corporate finance series – Financial gimmicks II: Capital restructuring and others |
CPD hour: 1.5 | 23 November |
GPSSG lunch webinar: Leading your organization to a sustainable future |
CPD hour: 1 | 30 November |
Industry update relating to licensed corporations |
CPD hour: 1 | 6 December |
HKAS 36 Impairment of Assets |
CPD hour: 1.5 | 9 December |
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) series – Audit and controls in ERP systems: Procure to pay process |
CPD hour: 2 | 10 December |
The GBA Experience Sharing Series |
CPD hour: 1 | 14 December |
2022 update on IFRS Interpretations Committee Agenda Decisions |
CPD hour: 1.5 | 14 December |
Year-end Financial Reporting Reminders for 2022 |
CPD hour: 2 | 17 January 2023 |
Practical approaches in handling IRD tax audits – From cradle to resolution |
Workshops on IFRS/HKFRS 17 – Life Insurance: Overview and deep dive application (re-run) |
CPD hour: 3.5 / 7 | 2 / 14 December |
CPD Carnival 2022 |
26 Nov. A free whole-day CPD webinar organized by The Society of Chinese Accountants & Auditors covering latest development of the accountancy profession, GBA opportunities, digitalization and talent training etc. Register now. |
PASS x PolyU ESG and Sustainable Finance Capability Building and Talent Summit |
28 Nov. The Center for Economic Sustainability & Entrepreneurial Finance of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) is organizing the ESG and Sustainable Finance Capability Building and Talent Summit. Register now. |
Young Executive Programme 2022 |
30 Nov. Themed "Sustainability - Shaping the Future Business Landscape", organized under the Hong Kong Forum by the Federation of Hong Kong Business Associations Worldwide, the programme will provide an insightful perspective from a panel of young entrepreneurs on how they see sustainability shaping the international business landscape and leading to new business opportunities. Enjoy complimentary admission as a member of Institute, which is a supporting organization, and register now (Registration Code: 03CYEPMB)! |
Intellectual Property Department: IP Training Programme "IP101 IP Basics" |
1-2 Dec. "IP101 IP Basics" introduces the basic knowledge of various intellectual properties, enabling participants to understand the rights of IP owners and users, thereby enhancing their capability of protecting and managing IP rights within the enterprise. Interested participants may first enroll in the "IP Manager Scheme PLUS" for free by filling out an online form. Registration fee for the courses is waived for members of the Scheme. The course is an event under the "Business of IP Asia Forum 2022". Successful applicants will be entitled to a complimentary pass of the Forum. |
ICC-HK Webinar: Third Party Funding (Arbitration and Mediation) |
9 Dec. Organized by The International Chamber of Commerce - Hong Kong (ICC-HK), speakers will use real life cases to illustrate the key points in the webinar, highlighting the importance in Third Party Funding in a company's operation and investment strategies. Registration form is available here. |
HKiNEDA Annual Conference 2022 |
10 Dec. Register now for the Hong Kong Independent Non-Executive Director Association (HKiNEDA) Annual Conference 2022: A New Era in Governance: Carbon Neutrality and Board Diversity, and enjoy a discount rate for online tickets as a member of the Institute, which is a supporting organization. |
Install the HKICPA Events app |
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