This month at the Institute (24 November 2022) |
2022 Annual general meeting |
The Institute's 50th annual general meeting (AGM) will take place on 8 December in the form of a hybrid meeting with a view to encourage and facilitate members’ participation. Visit the dedicated webpage for more information on registration for in-person attendance, the proxy form and the AGM booklet. |
Announcements |
Membership renewal for 2023 |
The 2023 renewal began on 1 October. Members should file their annual return containing the required continuing professional development (CPD) declaration and fit-and-proper declaration, and pay the annual fee online by 15 December to retain your CPA designation. Click here to renew or check your renewal status. |
Selected for the CPD audit? |
Every year the Institute conducts a CPD audit with samples selected on a risk-based process. Members selected for the audit are required to submit to the Institute their CPD records of the relevant reporting CPD period with documentation to support attendance or completion of the CPD activities as stated in their CPD records; and a statement on the relevancy of the CPD activities. Members who are selected for the CPD compliance audit but fail to adequately respond to or pass the audit will not be able to renew their membership. Find all other FAQs on CPD here. |
A Plus – Weathering the storm |
The October issue of A Plus looks at the treasury management challenges and opportunities for CFOs as a global recession looms. Other articles include an interview with Bonnie Y Chan, Head of Listing at HKEX; coverage on Big Four’s strategies to tackle and promote mental wellbeing of staff; and sharings from Institute members about their impressive collections that reflect their identity and passions. |
A Plus is going quarterly in 2023 |
As announced in June, the October 2022 issue of A Plus was the last monthly issue, and the magazine will shift towards a quarterly publication schedule starting next year. As we continue preparation work for a new and enhanced experience, please continue to support us and stay tuned for the first quarterly issue coming in January 2023. |
Institute updates |
AC Fun Run 2022 |
Get ready for AC Fun Run 2022 which is jointly organized by the Institute, the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants, and the Society of Chinese Accountants and Auditors. The event offers a diverse range of races catered for runners of all aspirations, such as the 10 km Race, 5 km Race and 2 km Family Run. Runners who complete the competition will receive a goodie bag of runner-centric gifts you don’t want to miss. Under the virtual format, you can join as an individual or form a team of two with families or friends to win prizes, all while raising funds for charitable organizations. Sign up now by 2 December. |
Mentorship Programme 2023-24 |
Join the Mentorship Programme 2023-24 to enrich your development or contribute to the profession. Over 1,500 mentor-mentee pairs have been matched through the programme since 2015. Members with less than seven years of post-qualification experience may apply to become a mentee, while those with seven or more years, a mentor. Visit the webpage to learn more about the programme and how it has helped both mentors and mentees. Submit your application by 13 January. |
Becoming a member of specialist interest groups |
Join the Institute’s specialist interest groups (IGs) which are catered to members in various specific sectors and provide specialized trainings and networking events. Information on IG events and relevant news which may be of interest to you will be shared through designated communications. No enrolment fee is required. Join the IGs that interests you now. |
The abridged minutes from the September and October Council meetings are now available for members to read. Login to your member’s account to view them. |
Latest offers of merchandise discounts |
Enjoy exclusive offers and discounts for members from our Merchandise Discount Programme. Below are some of our latest offers: |
Sports and recreational events |
SR Com E-seminar series |
The Sports and Recreation Committee (SR Com) is organizing two health e-seminars, where Dr. Cyrus Tse, Specialist in General Surgery, will talk about new advances in technology, instruments and approaches in managing various common surgical diseases on 29 November; while Dr. Adrian Hon will explain some misconceptions about dentistry from a scientific perspective on 13 December. |
Bridge Tournament – Team Event 2022 |
Congratulations to the champion team: Lui Tat Ying, Tong Yat Chong, Chan Mang Lung and Francis Hui Yick Lok, who took home top honours in the Bridge Tournament – Team Event 2022 held on 29 October. Click to see the results and photos. |
CPA Golf Tournament |
Congratulations to Karen Poon and Tommy Wong who were respectively crowned champions of the Wong Tan Cup and Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Trophy in the CPA Golf Tournament held on 22 October. Click to see the results and photos. |
Other upcoming activities |
Date: November 2022 – March 2023 |
Relocation of IRD |
The Inland Revenue Department (IRD), currently accommodated in Revenue Tower, Wanchai, will be relocated to the new Inland Revenue Centre at 5 Concorde Road, Kai Tak, Kowloon by phases in late 2022/early 2023. To mark the 25th Anniversary of the establishment of the HKSAR and the 75th Anniversary of the IRD, an exhibition with the theme "Past and Future" will be held from 19 December to 31 January on G/F of the new location. Click here for details on the relocation and exhibition. |
Install the HKICPA Events app |
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