HKICPA V-fair 2021
Welcome to HKICPA V-fair 2021! The interactive platform was held on 17, 20 and 21 April 2021. It offered you a wonderful gateway to boundless opportunities and possibilities through career seminars, Meet CPA firms and CV doctor. Latest updates on the accounting profession and career advice were shared through seminars. Professional recruitment consultants offered one-to-one career consultation, while online interviews were arranged for selected participants, providing opportunities to meet potential employers and win internship.
A series of career guidance seminars were organized to share valuable insights and advice from accountancy professional leaders. The seminars sessions were recorded and are now available. Click here for the biographies of speakers.

Professional Accountants in Practice
Mr. Gary Poon
Partner, Poon & Co.
Mr. William Chan
Partner, Tax Services
Grant Thornton Hong Kong Limited
Ms. Irene Siu
Senior Director, Disputes and Investigations, Alvarez & Marsal
If you cannot view the video above, please click here.

Professional Accountants in Business
Mr. Charbon Lo
Partner, Audit and Assurance, Crowe
Mr. Calvin Tse
Chief Executive Officer
Kam Kee Holdings Limited
Mr. Michael Chan
Former Chief Operating Officer
Inchcape Greater China
If you cannot view the video above, please click here.

Accounting with New Technology
Mr. Adam Wong
Audit Senior Manager, EY
Mr. Stanley Yung
Partner, Consulting
Mr. Lawrence Li
Senior Product Manager
If you cannot view the video above, please click here.

The Prospect of Audit in SMP
Mr. Ray Lin
Senior Manager, KPMG
Mr. Gary Poon
Partner, Poon & Co.
Mr. Edmund Wong
Practising Director, Consulting
Patrick Wong CPA Limited
If you cannot view the video above, please click here.

Candidates were shortlisted for online interview to meet and connect with potential employers and gain interview opportunities by HR experts to obtain internship placement at CPA firms.
Supporting organizations:

Professional consultants from 2 consultancy and 2 agent offered one-to-one consultation to first 90 participants to review their CVs and provide tailor advice and tips to enhance their employability.
Supporting organizations:

For enquires:
Please contact Ms. Nikco Chan at 2287 7463 or nikcochan@hkicpa.org.hk