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News Release
HKICPA welcomes the Government's 2025-26 Budget
HKICPA welcomes the Government’s inclusion of Accounting talent in the “Talent List”
HKICPA submits proposals for the Government budget to enhance Hong Kong’s global competitiveness and long-term resilience
HKICPA participates in the Asian Financial Forum 2025: Explores new growth engines in global sustainability
HKICPA publishes HKFRS Sustainability Disclosure Standards
HKICPA signs the Strategic Agreement for Developing Guangdong-HK-Macau Accounting Industry: Deepening cooperation accounting industries within the region
HKICPA welcomes the Government’s Roadmap on Sustainability Disclosure in Hong Kong
HKICPA renews MoU with BICPA to strengthen exchanges between the accounting professions in Beijing and Hong Kong
Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants Elects President and Vice-Presidents
HKICPA hosts Best Corporate Governance and ESG Awards 2024 Presentation Ceremony CLP Holdings and Prudential win MSCO platinum awards among a record number of winners
HKICPA’s Awards commend the CG and ESG performances of awardees, while urging continuing efforts to uphold high-quality governance and disclosure standards in Hong Kong
Cross-straits, Hong Kong and Macau Accounting Profession Conference 2024: Embrace the new mission: Leading to a sustainable future
HKICPA welcomes the Government’s initiatives in the Policy Address for boosting economy and developing a sustainable Hong Kong
HKICPA issues the exposure drafts of two inaugural Hong Kong Sustainability Disclosure Standards for public consultation
HKICPA and CIMA collaborate to create opportunities for accounting and finance professionals
Recognizing well-run, sustainable organizations for 25 years HKICPA Best Corporate Governance & ESG Awards 2024 now open for applications
HKICPA Council visits Beijing to meet MoF and counterparts; signs MoU with CICPA to strengthen exchanges
HKICPA signs MoU with ISCA to strengthen exchanges between the accounting professions in Hong Kong and Singapore
Over 1,000 sports enthusiasts from the accounting profession take part in “CPA Sports Carnival 2024” co-organized by HKICPA and SCAA
HKICPA welcomes the Government’s vision statement on developing sustainability disclosure ecosystem in Hong Kong
HKICPA reveals “Teen Money Management Survey” results Local primary and secondary school students’ financial skills graded at “B” level, demonstrating solid money management concepts; Urges enhanced education on wealth planning and e-payments
HKICPA's response to the Government's 2024-2025 Budget
HKICPA submits proposals for the Government budget to reinvigorate Hong Kong as a world city and magnet for investment and talent
HKICPA announces findings from survey on accounting talent supply. Advocates the inclusion of accounting profession in the “Talent List” to alleviate talent shortage and promote economic development
Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants Elects President and Council
HKICPA celebrates 50th Anniversary with grand Gala Dinner 500+ members & guests gather to pay tribute to the remarkable development of the accounting profession
A record number of winners in the HKICPA’s Awards, reflects stronger ESG performances from Mainland enterprises, while issues remain around board diversity and “over-boarding”
HKICPA Greater Bay Area Summit 2023
HKICPA signs extensions to Reciprocal Membership Agreement with five chartered accountancy bodies of Global Accounting Alliance
HKICPA’s recent research shows a step forward in Hong Kong’s ESG Development Increasing awareness in large listed companies adopting external ESG assurance
HKICPA welcomes the Government’s commitment in the Policy Address to reinforcing Hong Kong’s international financial centre status
HKICPA holds CPA Congress gathers ensemble of world-class leaders to empower enterprises for the future
HKICPA Best Corporate Governance & ESG Awards 2023 now open for applications
HKICPA leadership meet with Ministry of Finance and key stakeholders in Beijing
香港會計師公會與香港華人會計師公會攜手舉辦首屆「香港會計界運動嘉年華」 逾千名會計健兒參與 (Chinese version only)
HKICPA's response to the HK Government's 2023-2024 Budget
HKICPA makes recommendations for the government’s budget to reconnect Hong Kong with the international community and enhance its competitive edge
Joint statement on the designation “Fellow of the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants (Practising)”
HKICPA finds MSCO award winners continuing to raise their standards against the minimum requirements while calling for more focus on board diversity in Hong Kong
FRC and HKICPA sign Revised Statement of Protocol on Oversight Arrangement to reflect broader oversight by the AFRC
HKICPA invites applications for Best Corporate Governance & ESG Awards 2022 and highlights findings of short study on board diversity in Hang Seng Index companies
Global accounting bodies urge profession-wide commitment to reverse nature loss
HKICPA's response to the government's 2022-2023 Budget
HKICPA makes recommendations for the government’s budget to meet the goal of a sustainable future for Hong Kong
Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants Elects President and Council
HKICPA Awards find improving ESG but companies need to do more to integrate their corporate governance and ESG
HKICPA refocuses its annual Awards to recognize organizations integrating CG & ESG practices and highlights findings of brief research on ESG assurance of Hang Seng Index companies
Representatives of Accounting Standard-Setters of Hong Kong and Japan Hold Meeting
The Institute calls on the Government to undertake “further reform of regulatory regime of accounting profession” after extensive consultations and assessment of all its impacts
HKICPA encourages the accounting profession to support employees’ uptake of COVID vaccinations
FRC signs Memorandum of Understanding with HKICPA
HKICPA calls for views from stakeholders on the proposed framework for One Member One Vote election of the President and Vice-Presidents
HKICPA's response to 2021-22 Budget
HKICPA’s over-a-thousand-student survey developed teen money management indicators
HKICPA advances recommendation for the government’s budget preparing for the recovery
Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants Elects President and Council
HKICPA 20th Anniversary CG Awards reflect the changing times and the impact of COVID-19 on corporate disclosures
就媒體對香港會計師公會2020 年理事會選舉安排報導的回應
HKICPA urges boards to commit to good disclosure and ensure robust risk management in times of uncertainty
HKICPA publishes advisory for business and individuals to manage financial distress
The Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants welcomes 2020-21 Budget relief measures to mitigate negative impact of new challenges
HKICPA calls for a tax review and more support for citizens and SMEs amid the economic downturn
Clarification on the participation of HKICPA in electoral activities in Taiwan
HKICPA builds a future-ready profession and a sustainable talent pool with the new Qualification Programme
HKICPA "Rich Kid, Poor Kid" programme awarded "Financial Education Champion" two years in a row
Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants Elects President and Council
HKICPA Best Corporate Governance Awards, sees organizations stepping up efforts in sustainability and social responsibility
HKICPA survey shows non-traditional accounting talents are in-demand amidst changing times
HKICPA and CIMA collaborate to open up opportunities for accounting professionals
HKICPA and FRC sign a Statement of Protocol on arrangement for the oversight of PIE auditors
HKICPA’s Best Corporate Governance Awards celebrating their 20th year – now open for entries
The Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants Appoints New Chief Executive and Registrar
HKICPA finds 2019-2020 Budget reasonable amid challenges
HKICPA calls for tax measures to enhance competitiveness amid challenging outlook
Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants Elects President and Council
HKICPA applauds outstanding Corporate Governance performers, calls for stronger board accountability to promote investor confidence
HKICPA "Rich Kid, Poor Kid" programme awarded "2019 Financial Education Champion"
HKICPA Best Corporate Governance Awards open for entry
HKICPA survey: Accounting opens doors to rewarding and varied career paths for young professionals
HKICPA makes corporate governance recommendations, advocating for a strengthened capital market
HKICPA Statement on Extraordinary General Meeting
HKICPA supportive of broad direction of budget – but questions specific measures and effectiveness of existing funds to drive change
HKICPA Approves New Accounting Standard for Insurance Contracts
HKICPA urges Government to use budget surplus to nurture innovation and invest in community well-being
Financial Reporting Council (Amendment) Bill 2018 Media Statement by HKICPA
Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants Elects 45th President and Council
HKICPA lauds corporate governance high performers and urges small caps to leverage CG to support long-term growth
HKICPA Welcomes the New Government’s Bold Taxation Changes Announced in First Policy Address
HKICPA makes a difference with homegrown CSR programmes
On the front lines of cyberwar
Hong Kong Institute of CPAs submits comments on capital market enhancements
China's start-ups – stepping out of Silicon Valley's shadow
Best Corporate Governance Awards 2017 invites entries
Institute's membership survey reflects a rewarding profession
Accountants taking on climate change
A Plus May 2017 issue – Interview with CLP Holdings CEO
Robotics is changing the business of tomorrow
Is Hong Kong smart enough?
Expectations of the accountancy profession for the next Chief Executive of HKSAR government
HKICPA to host Chief Executive election forum
A cautious maiden budget overall from the new financial secretary, but Institute welcomes implementation of its long-advocated initiative to set up tax policy unit
New auditor report
Hong Kong Institute of CPAs’ forward-looking budget proposals focus on enhancing the tax regime and keeping Hong Kong wealthy and healthy
New Qualification Programme to groom future talent
Past notice
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Technical Events and Conference
Corporate Social Responsibility
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Mainland of China
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Quality assurance
News Release
/HKICPA welcomes the Government's 2025-26 Budget
/HKICPA welcomes the Government’s inclusion of Accounting talent in the “Talent List”
/HKICPA submits proposals for the Government budget to enhance Hong Kong’s global competitiveness and long-term resilience
/HKICPA participates in the Asian Financial Forum 2025: Explores new growth engines in global sustainability
/HKICPA publishes HKFRS Sustainability Disclosure Standards
/HKICPA signs the Strategic Agreement for Developing Guangdong-HK-Macau Accounting Industry: Deepening cooperation accounting industries within the region
/HKICPA welcomes the Government’s Roadmap on Sustainability Disclosure in Hong Kong
/HKICPA renews MoU with BICPA to strengthen exchanges between the accounting professions in Beijing and Hong Kong
/Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants Elects President and Vice-Presidents
/HKICPA hosts Best Corporate Governance and ESG Awards 2024 Presentation Ceremony CLP Holdings and Prudential win MSCO platinum awards among a record number of winners
/HKICPA’s Awards commend the CG and ESG performances of awardees, while urging continuing efforts to uphold high-quality governance and disclosure standards in Hong Kong
/Cross-straits, Hong Kong and Macau Accounting Profession Conference 2024: Embrace the new mission: Leading to a sustainable future
/HKICPA welcomes the Government’s initiatives in the Policy Address for boosting economy and developing a sustainable Hong Kong
/ HKICPA issues the exposure drafts of two inaugural Hong Kong Sustainability Disclosure Standards for public consultation
/HKICPA and CIMA collaborate to create opportunities for accounting and finance professionals
/Recognizing well-run, sustainable organizations for 25 years HKICPA Best Corporate Governance & ESG Awards 2024 now open for applications
/HKICPA Council visits Beijing to meet MoF and counterparts; signs MoU with CICPA to strengthen exchanges
/HKICPA signs MoU with ISCA to strengthen exchanges between the accounting professions in Hong Kong and Singapore
/Over 1,000 sports enthusiasts from the accounting profession take part in “CPA Sports Carnival 2024” co-organized by HKICPA and SCAA
/HKICPA welcomes the Government’s vision statement on developing sustainability disclosure ecosystem in Hong Kong
/HKICPA reveals “Teen Money Management Survey” results Local primary and secondary school students’ financial skills graded at “B” level, demonstrating solid money management concepts; Urges enhanced education on wealth planning and e-payments
/HKICPA's response to the Government's 2024-2025 Budget
/HKICPA submits proposals for the Government budget to reinvigorate Hong Kong as a world city and magnet for investment and talent
/HKICPA announces findings from survey on accounting talent supply. Advocates the inclusion of accounting profession in the “Talent List” to alleviate talent shortage and promote economic development
/Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants Elects President and Council
/HKICPA celebrates 50th Anniversary with grand Gala Dinner 500+ members & guests gather to pay tribute to the remarkable development of the accounting profession
/A record number of winners in the HKICPA’s Awards, reflects stronger ESG performances from Mainland enterprises, while issues remain around board diversity and “over-boarding”
/HKICPA Greater Bay Area Summit 2023
/HKICPA signs extensions to Reciprocal Membership Agreement with five chartered accountancy bodies of Global Accounting Alliance
/HKICPA’s recent research shows a step forward in Hong Kong’s ESG Development Increasing awareness in large listed companies adopting external ESG assurance
/HKICPA welcomes the Government’s commitment in the Policy Address to reinforcing Hong Kong’s international financial centre status
/HKICPA holds CPA Congress gathers ensemble of world-class leaders to empower enterprises for the future
/HKICPA Best Corporate Governance & ESG Awards 2023 now open for applications
/HKICPA leadership meet with Ministry of Finance and key stakeholders in Beijing
/香港會計師公會與香港華人會計師公會攜手舉辦首屆「香港會計界運動嘉年華」 逾千名會計健兒參與 (Chinese version only)
/HKICPA's response to the HK Government's 2023-2024 Budget
/HKICPA makes recommendations for the government’s budget to reconnect Hong Kong with the international community and enhance its competitive edge
/Joint statement on the designation “Fellow of the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants (Practising)”
/HKICPA finds MSCO award winners continuing to raise their standards against the minimum requirements while calling for more focus on board diversity in Hong Kong
/FRC and HKICPA sign Revised Statement of Protocol on Oversight Arrangement to reflect broader oversight by the AFRC
/HKICPA invites applications for Best Corporate Governance & ESG Awards 2022 and highlights findings of short study on board diversity in Hang Seng Index companies
/Global accounting bodies urge profession-wide commitment to reverse nature loss
/HKICPA's response to the government's 2022-2023 Budget
/HKICPA makes recommendations for the government’s budget to meet the goal of a sustainable future for Hong Kong
/Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants Elects President and Council
/HKICPA Awards find improving ESG but companies need to do more to integrate their corporate governance and ESG
/HKICPA refocuses its annual Awards to recognize organizations integrating CG & ESG practices and highlights findings of brief research on ESG assurance of Hang Seng Index companies
/Representatives of Accounting Standard-Setters of Hong Kong and Japan Hold Meeting
/The Institute calls on the Government to undertake “further reform of regulatory regime of accounting profession” after extensive consultations and assessment of all its impacts
/HKICPA encourages the accounting profession to support employees’ uptake of COVID vaccinations
/FRC signs Memorandum of Understanding with HKICPA
/HKICPA calls for views from stakeholders on the proposed framework for One Member One Vote election of the President and Vice-Presidents
/HKICPA's response to 2021-22 Budget
/HKICPA’s over-a-thousand-student survey developed teen money management indicators
/HKICPA advances recommendation for the government’s budget preparing for the recovery
/Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants Elects President and Council
/HKICPA 20th Anniversary CG Awards reflect the changing times and the impact of COVID-19 on corporate disclosures
/就媒體對香港會計師公會2020 年理事會選舉安排報導的回應
/HKICPA urges boards to commit to good disclosure and ensure robust risk management in times of uncertainty
/HKICPA publishes advisory for business and individuals to manage financial distress
/The Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants welcomes 2020-21 Budget relief measures to mitigate negative impact of new challenges
/HKICPA calls for a tax review and more support for citizens and SMEs amid the economic downturn
/Clarification on the participation of HKICPA in electoral activities in Taiwan
/HKICPA builds a future-ready profession and a sustainable talent pool with the new Qualification Programme
/HKICPA "Rich Kid, Poor Kid" programme awarded "Financial Education Champion" two years in a row
/Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants Elects President and Council
/HKICPA Best Corporate Governance Awards, sees organizations stepping up efforts in sustainability and social responsibility
/HKICPA survey shows non-traditional accounting talents are in-demand amidst changing times
/HKICPA and CIMA collaborate to open up opportunities for accounting professionals
/HKICPA and FRC sign a Statement of Protocol on arrangement for the oversight of PIE auditors
/HKICPA’s Best Corporate Governance Awards celebrating their 20th year – now open for entries
/The Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants Appoints New Chief Executive and Registrar
/HKICPA finds 2019-2020 Budget reasonable amid challenges
/HKICPA calls for tax measures to enhance competitiveness amid challenging outlook
/Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants Elects President and Council
/HKICPA applauds outstanding Corporate Governance performers, calls for stronger board accountability to promote investor confidence
/HKICPA "Rich Kid, Poor Kid" programme awarded "2019 Financial Education Champion"
/HKICPA Best Corporate Governance Awards open for entry
/HKICPA survey: Accounting opens doors to rewarding and varied career paths for young professionals
/HKICPA makes corporate governance recommendations, advocating for a strengthened capital market
/HKICPA Statement on Extraordinary General Meeting
/HKICPA supportive of broad direction of budget – but questions specific measures and effectiveness of existing funds to drive change
/HKICPA Approves New Accounting Standard for Insurance Contracts
/HKICPA urges Government to use budget surplus to nurture innovation and invest in community well-being
/Financial Reporting Council (Amendment) Bill 2018 Media Statement by HKICPA
/Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants Elects 45th President and Council
/HKICPA lauds corporate governance high performers and urges small caps to leverage CG to support long-term growth
/HKICPA Welcomes the New Government’s Bold Taxation Changes Announced in First Policy Address
/HKICPA makes a difference with homegrown CSR programmes
/On the front lines of cyberwar
/Hong Kong Institute of CPAs submits comments on capital market enhancements
/China's start-ups – stepping out of Silicon Valley's shadow
/Best Corporate Governance Awards 2017 invites entries
/Institute's membership survey reflects a rewarding profession
/Accountants taking on climate change
/A Plus May 2017 issue – Interview with CLP Holdings CEO
/Robotics is changing the business of tomorrow
/Is Hong Kong smart enough?
/Expectations of the accountancy profession for the next Chief Executive of HKSAR government
/HKICPA to host Chief Executive election forum
/A cautious maiden budget overall from the new financial secretary, but Institute welcomes implementation of its long-advocated initiative to set up tax policy unit
/New auditor report
/Hong Kong Institute of CPAs’ forward-looking budget proposals focus on enhancing the tax regime and keeping Hong Kong wealthy and healthy
/New Qualification Programme to groom future talent
/Past notice
Annual Reports
Photo Gallery
/Corporate Events
/Technical Events and Conference
/Corporate Social Responsibility
/Sports and Leisure
/Mainland of China
/Our Facilities
/A Plus
/Stakeholder relations
Archival records on regulatory functions
/Quality assurance
Keep up on the latest happenings of the Institute here. Please access our collection of publications from the menu.