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Continuing professional development requirements

According to Statement 1.500 , all members, except those exempt from complying with the CPD requirements, are required to:

1) undertake relevant CPD that develops and maintains professional competence necessary to perform their role as a professional accountant;

2) complete at least 120 hours of relevant professional development activity in each rolling three-year period, of which 60 hours shall be verifiable; and at least 20 hours of relevant professional development activity in each year (the reporting period for each year commences from 1 December);

3) measure learning activities to meet the above requirements; and

4) maintain appropriate records of all CPD activities completed in each rolling three-year period. These records and documentary evidence should be sufficient to support their attendance or completion of CPD activities for a minimum of five years, and produce such records and documentary evidence when they are selected for an audit conducted by the Institute.