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HKICPA/HKABE Joint Scholarships for BAFS

The aim of the scholarship is to recognize secondary students who have achieved an excellent result in the subject of "Business, Accounting and Financial Studies" (BAFS) in their schools.



  • All secondary schools offering the subject BAFS with accounting/business management strand are eligible for nomination of the scholarships.
  • Each eligible secondary school may nominate one full-time F.5 student who ranked the first in the BAFS accounting/business management strand within the whole form (based on F.4 full year result) for the scholarship. If the school has both accounting and business management strands, one quota of scholarship nomination will be available for each strand.


Award procedures

  • Nomination is to be submitted by school. Completed online nomination form, together with copy of nominee's academic transcript of last academic year and a recommendation letter from school principal/BAFS panel head should be sent to the HKICPA for consideration.
  • The organizing bodies reserve the right of final decision. Any school which has been granted an award should not assume that the same award will be granted automatically in the following year.


Value and validity of Scholarship

  • The scholarships will be presented to the recipients in the form of a cash prize of HK$300 at the HKICPA Award Ceremony for Secondary Schools which will be held in May each year. 


HKICPA/HKABE Joint Scholarships for BAFS 2024-25

Please click here to view the recipients list of HKICPA/HKABE Joint Scholarships for BAFS (2024-25) 


Nomination procedure 2024-25

Please click here to download the nomination form of HKICPA/HKABE Joint Scholarships for BAFS (2024-25)

