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Mainland Business Interest Group events

Date Topic Nature of Activity Remarks
10 July 2024 
Joint MBIG-FSIG cocktail reception: Regulatory investigation of and enforcement against listed companies and their officers between Mainland China and Hong Kong – Principles and case studies
Cocktail Reception
23 April 2024 
MBIG webinar: Long awaited coming into effect of arrangement for Mainland-Hong Kong reciprocal enforcement of civil judgments – opportunities and practical implications
Live Webinar
13 June 2023 
Joint TF-MBIG webinar: The latest development of Mainland China’s value-added tax regulations
Live Webinar

Available period:
3 July 2023 – 15 July  2024
Free webinar – MBIG webinar: Yellow Emperor's Canon of Internal Medicine and traditional Chinese medicine on health preservation and dietetics (黃帝內經與中醫養生及食療) (archived)
24 May 2023 Free webinar – MBIG webinar: Yellow Emperor's Canon of Internal Medicine and traditional Chinese medicine on health preservation and dietetics (黃帝內經與中醫養生及食療)
Live Webinar
12 May 2023 Joint PICIG-MBIG seminar: Is this time different? Trends of property markets of Hong Kong and Mainland China Seminar  
4 April 2023
MBIG seminar: Wisdom of I Ching and talent management

10 February 2023 Free webinar – MBIG lunch webinar: New Initiatives on Talent Attraction in Hong Kong
Live Webinar
Available period:
25 October 2022 – 31 October 2023
MBIG webinar: Compliant remittance arrangements between the Mainland and Hong Kong for Hong Kong enterprises and residents (如何在內地與香港之間合規跨境匯款?) (archived)
6 September 2022 MBIG webinar: Compliant remittance arrangements between the Mainland and Hong Kong for Hong Kong enterprises and residents (如何在內地與香港之間合規跨境匯款?) Live Webinar  
2 August 2022 MBIG webinar: The I Ching Leadership Wisdom in the Web3.0 Era (Web3.0 時代的易經領導智慧)
Live Webinar  
27 June 2022 MBIG & PICIG joint webinar: Debt Restructuring of Chinese/Asian Companies with Offshore Debt (中資美元債違約後的重組流程) Live Webinar  
1 September 2021 MBIG & ICTIG joint webinar: Cross border crimes involving blockchains and cryptocurrencies (區塊鏈和加密貨幣的跨境犯罪 專題分享 )  Live Webinar  
29 July 2021  MBIG webinar: Financial Disputes and Settlements Arising from Hong Kong and China Cross Border Matrimonial Issues and Cases Sharing Live Webinar  

Available period:

6 August 2021 – 31 August 2022

FSIG & MBIG joint webinar: Digital RMB (數字人民幣 專題分享) (archived)  e-Seminar  
30 June 2021 FSIG & MBIG joint webinar: Digital RMB (數字人民幣 專題分享) Live Webinar  
Available period:
17 November 2020 – 30 November 2021
MBIG & PICIG joint webinar: Thematic sharing – Property investment in the Greater Bay Area by Hong Kong citizens (香港市民在大灣區置業專題分享) (archived) e-Seminar
3 November 2020
MBIG & PICIG joint webinar: Thematic sharing – Property investment in the Greater Bay Area by Hong Kong citizens (香港市民粵港澳大灣區置業專題分享) Live Webinar
Available period:
19 November 2020 – 30 November 2021
 MBIG webinar: Elderly care services industry in Mainland China (國內養老服務業發展) (archived)  e-Seminar  
16 October 2020 MBIG webinar: Elderly care services industry in Mainland China (國內養老服務業發展) Live Webinar  

Available period:

14 August 2020 – 15 August 2021 

MBIG webinar: Viewing Chinese culture from the Spring Ox Picture (從春牛圖看中國文化) (archived)
30 July 2020 MBIG webinar: Viewing Chinese culture from the Spring Ox Picture (從春牛圖看中國文化)
Live Webinar  

Available period:

20 May 2020 – 30 May 2021 

MBIG webinar: The development of mobile payment in China (archived) e-Seminar  
21 April 2020
MBIG webinar: The development of mobile payment in China
Live Webinar
28 February 2020
MBIG cocktail reception: Viewing Chinese culture from the Spring Ox Picture (從春牛圖看中國文化)
Cocktail Reception  
9 December 2019 MBIG lunch seminar: China Cross-border – Navigating uncertainties with more optionality Lunch Seminar
25 - 26 October 2019 MBIG study tour to Greater Bay Area city – Guangzhou (內地業務關注組 粵港澳大灣區訪問團 – 廣州)
21 August 2019 MBIG evening seminar: Elderly care services industry in Mainland China (國內養老服務業發展)
Evening Seminar  
29 July 2019 MBIG evening seminar: 5G in China – its impact on our daily lives and business environment
Evening Seminar
20 May 2019
Joint seminar with HKCEA FAASC (香港中國企業協會  財會專業委員會): Impacts of Greater Bay Area development on accounting professionals (大灣區發展對財會專業人員的影響) Half-day Seminar  
19 November 2018 MBIG lunch seminar: Trade war between China and US – customs and other relevant issues Lunch Seminar
10 September 2018 MBIG lunch seminar: Money laundering cross-border commercial crimes Lunch Seminar
29 June 2018 MBIG evening seminar: The opening of China financial markets and RMB internationalization Evening Seminar
04 May 2018 MBIG cocktail reception: How does Meitu's unique business model fit into the China market? Cocktail Reception
3-5 November 2017 MBIG Study tour to Shenzhen and Dongguan Visit
13 September 2017 MBIG and PICIG joint seminar – China retail real estate market: Sustain growth in demand but big change in shopping behaviour Evening Seminar
27 March 2017


Evening Seminar
13 March 2017 MBIG Cocktail Reception - Hong Kong 2030+: Towards a Planning Vision and Strategy Transcending 2030 Cocktail Reception

18 February 2017

YMC and MBIG joint seminar: The outlook of China's economy under Trumponomics Half-day Seminar
9 November 2016 亞投行給香港帶來新機遇 Evening Seminar
 9 - 10 July 2016 廣東考察團 (中山及珠海) Visit
11 March 2016 MBIG Cocktail Reception: How does Qianhai differ from other free-trade zones? Cocktail Reception
2 February 2016 MBIG lunch seminar: cross-border commercial crime investigation under "one country, two systems" Lunch Seminar
17 November 2015 YMC and MBIG joint seminar: Debunking the myths of China's growth, RMB policy and the Hong Kong dollar peg Evening Seminar
6-7 November 2015 廣州考察團 Visit

9 September 2015

MBIG Evening Seminar on "Breaking the "Curse": How Chinese Family Businesses Survive Beyond Three Generations" Evening Seminar
15 December 2014

MBIG Seminar on "Hong Kong and Mainland China : The Outlook of RMB Internationalisation and REIT Development" (香港與內地:人民幣國際化和房託發展前瞻)

Evening Seminar
12 September 2014 MBIG Seminar on "Pearl River Delta Two-hour Living Area - Impact on Hong Kong's Economic Development" (珠三角兩小時生活圈對香港經濟發展的影響) Evening Seminar
19 February 2014 MBIG Lunch Seminar on "Analysis of the Financial Services Policies in the Shanghai Free Trade Zone" (上海自貿區金融服務政策剖析) Lunch Seminar
11 November 2013 MBIG Lunch Seminar on "Common Problems and Solutions to Property Management in the Mainland" (內地物業管理常見問題及解決方法) Lunch Seminar
30 August - 1 September 2013

PRC Business Practices and Management Course (中國商業實務及管理研習班)

Study Programme
16 August 2013 MBIG Lunch Seminar on "Analysis of the Interactions among the Economies of China, US and Europe" (中、美、歐三大經濟體系互動分析) Lunch Seminar
8 March 2013

Mainland Business Interest Group Cocktail Reception


- 講座: 中港兩地領導層換屆之後的房地產市場展望

  講者: 施永青先生 (中原集團董事)

Cocktail Reception cum Talk - Photo
21 September 2012 MBIG Seminar on "The Outlook of Micro Finance in the Mainland" (內地民間借貸行業發展展望)   Evening Seminar
9 August 2012 MBIG Seminar on Issues of and Development in Cross-border Enforcement of Arbitral Awards and Court Judgments Evening Seminar
26 March 2012

Listing Procedures and Business Opportunities at Shenzhen Chi Next


Evening Seminar
21 October 2011

Study Mission to Shenzhen cum Networking Lunch


Study Mission cum Networking Lunch
2 August 2011 Private Equity Investing in China Evening Seminar
27 January 2011 Outlook of 2011 Macro Economy and Hong Kong Equity Market
2011 年宏觀經濟展望與香港股市前景
Evening Seminar
7 December 2010 Patent and Trademark Protection in the Mainland
Evening Seminar
12 August 2010 Mainland Succession Arrangements Concerning  Foreigners
Evening Seminar
26 March 2010 Study Mission to Shenzhen cum Networking Lunch
Study Mission cum Networking Lunch
10 December 2009 Mainland Property Market Development
Evening seminar
12 November 2008 The Outlook of the Economic Development in the Mainland
Evening seminar  
21 October 2008 Decoding the Succession Arrangements Concerning Foreigners or Foreign Affairs in the Mainland
Evening seminar  
22 September 2008 Mainland Labour Dispute Mediation and Arbitration law
Evening seminar  
17-18 January 2008 Study Mission to Guangzhou cum Tax Seminar
Study Mission cum Seminar  
27 November 2007 Mainland Labour Contract Law
Evening seminar - Q&A
31 August 2007 A Perspective on the Regulations for Merger with and Acquisition of Domestic Enterprises by Foreign Investors
Evening seminar  
10 July 2007 Mainland Law on Property Right
Evening seminar  
16 November 2006 Intellectual Property Rights Protection in the Mainland
Evening seminar  
10 October 2006 Mainland Labour Law (II)
內地勞動法 (二)
Evening seminar - Q&A
20 June 2006 Mainland Labour Law (I)
內地勞動法 (一)
Evening seminar  
19 April 2006 Banking and financial services offered in the Mainland by banks from Hong Kong
Evening seminar  
19 January 2006 Franchising in the Mainland
Evening seminar  

