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Accounting firms helping Mainland enterprises go global

With outbound investment from China taking a lead, expansion overseas has become an inevitable for Mainland enterprises. Whether for new growth opportunities, business transformation, or supply chain optimization, going global is essential to remain relevant and maintain sustainable development. Companies are realizing that going global is not only a key strategy for expanding into overseas markets and building a global brand, but also an important means of enhancing international competitiveness.


The Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, with its unique geographical location, advanced manufacturing industry, and advantages in technological innovation, has become a core engine region for Chinese companies to go global. However, in the face of global economic uncertainties, geopolitical issues, and the complexities of international markets, companies urgently need support and guidance from various professional services.


To help Chinese Mainland enterprises tackle the challenges of venturing abroad, the Institute has compiled the “List of accounting firms helping Mainland enterprises go global”. As of 3 March 2025, this list includes 79 Hong Kong accounting firms, covering details such as firm size, target overseas markets, international experience, and business expertise. This resource aims to connect Mainland enterprises with the right accounting firms, facilitating global market expansion by leveraging Hong Kong’s world-class professional services to support Chinese businesses in their overseas journeys.

Additionally, HKICPA is seeking case stories from firms with successful experiences in helping Mainland enterprises going global. By showcasing these cases, the Institute aims to highlight the unique advantages of Hong Kong's accounting services and provide valuable references for Mainland enterprises interested in going global, fostering more collaborations.
