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Forum and Conference

Financial Reporting Forums / Roundtable Meetings


Date of Events    Subject
16 July 2018  Seminar on IESBA International Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants (including International Independence Standards)
14 November 2018 Industry Update Relating to Retirement Schemes and Investment Funds
19 November 2018 Industry Update Relating to Licensed Corporations
7 November 2017 Industry Update Relating to Licensed Corporations
21 November 2017 Industry Update Relating to Investment Funds
18 October 2016 Regulatory Update on Securities Market
14 October 2016 Seminar on Reporting on Solicitor's Accounts Rules
14 September 2016 HKICPA/ICAS Joint Seminar on Ethics for Accountants
7 April 2016 New impairment model under IFRS/ HKFRS 9: Implementation issues
23 March 2016 Forum on IAASB's Invitation to Comment, Enhancing Audit Quality in the Public Interest: A Focus on Professional Skepticism, Quality Controls and Group Audits
15 March 2016 Lunch Seminar: Introducing IFRS 16 Leases
9 October 2015 Industry Update Relating to Licensed Corporations
12 and 13 October 2015

Joint HKICPA/IFRS Foundation

IFRS Conference 2015

23 June 2015 Latest Implementation Guidance on the Application of Part 9 of the New Companies Ordinance
5 March 2015

Seminar on consultation conclusions on risk management and internal control: Review of the corporate governance code and corporate governance report (“Code”)

28 November 2014

Financial Reporting Forum - Developments in IFRS

Meeting with IASB memebrs and staff

17 November 2014 Joint seminar on Investment Funds
7 November 2014 Seminar on the Audit of Licensed Corporations
20 October 2014 HKICPA/HKIoD joint seminar: Framework on Audit Quality
14 October 2014 Seminar for Consultation Paper on Review of Listing Rules on Disclosure of Financial Information with reference to the new Companies Ordinance and Hong Kong Financial Reporting Standards
2 September 2014

Financial Reporting Seminar

Valuation of Guarantees and Share Options

18 March 2014 Financial Reporting Seminar - Application of HKFRS 13 Fair Vaule Measurement
17 February 2014 Auditing and Ethics Seminar - Updates on developments in auditing and ethics standards
20 January 2014 Joint Seminar on The Audit of Licensed Corporations
23 January 2014 Seminar on Ethics Circular 1 (Revised) Guidance for Small and Medium Practitioners on the Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants
26 November 2013

Financial Reporting Seminar

Valuation of Mineral and Petroleum Assets

1 November 2013 HKICPA/ICAEW Joint Seminar on Ethics for Accountants
15 October 2013 Financial Reporting Seminar on Property Valuation
27 August 2013 Financial Reporting Forum – Developments in proposed IFRS on Insurance Contracts and Leases
12 August 2013 Financial Reporting Seminar: Valuation of intangibles
25 June 2013 Joint Seminar on AATB 3 - Implementation Guidance on Revised HKSIR 400 Comfort Letters and Due Diligence Meetings
7 June 2013 Financial Reporting Forum – Developments in IFRS
Meeting with IASB member and staff
5 & 6 June 2013 7th IFRS Regional Policy Forum
31 May 2013 Financial Reporting Seminar 
Convertible bonds - valuation issues (Re-run)
30 April 2013

Financial reporting seminar on business valuation
HKFRS 3 – purchase price allocation

What are the values of assets acquired in a business combination?
(Re-run session with new case studies)

26 February 2013 Financial Reporting Seminar 
Convertible bonds - valuation issues
4 February 2013 HKICPA/SFC Joint Seminar on The Audit of Licensed Corporations
23 January 2013 HKICPA/IFRS Foundation Trustees Event
22 January 2013

Financial Reporting Forum – Developments in IFRS

Presented by IASB Member and Technical Staff

18 December 2012 Financial Reporting Seminar Valuation for HKFRS 2 Share-based Payment
13 November 2012 Financial Reporting Seminar on Property Valuation
30 October 2012 Financial Reporting Forum - HKFRS 8 Operating Segments: Application Issues
18 October 2012

Seminar on Proposed Amendment to the Code of Ethics

- IESBA Exposure Draft on Responding to a Suspected Illegal Act

27 September 2012 HKICPA/IASB Roundtable - Share your experience on IFRS 8
25 September 2012 Joint Financial Reporting Forum
HKFRS 10 for asset managers – should a fund manager consolidate its managed funds?
20 August 2012

Financial Reporting Seminar
Valuation for HKFRS 2 Share-based Payment

7 June 2012

Financial Reporting Seminar on Business Valuation
What are the Values of Asset That You Are Purchasing? Unveiling HKFRS 3 – Purchase Price Allocation

24 April 2012

Auditing and Assurance Forum

Auditing and Assurance Technical Bulletin (AATB) 2

"Guidance to the Auditor when Responding to Questions at an Annual General Meeting"

19 March 2012

Financial Reporting Seminar on Business Valuation
What are the Values of Asset That You Are Purchasing?
 Unveiling HKFRS 3 – Purchase Price Allocation

13  February 2012
(rescheduled from 8 February 2012)
Financial Reporting Forum - IASB Talks about the Exposure Draft of Revenue from Contracts with Customers
18 January 2012 Financial Reporting Seminar on Business Valuation
What are the Values of Asset That You Are Purchasing?
 Unveiling HKFRS 3 – Purchase Price Allocation
10 January 2012 Forum on the Consultation Paper on Eligibility for the use of Small and Medium-Sized Entity Financial Reporting Framework and Financial Reporting Standard
30 November 2011 Forum on International Integrated Reporting Committee Discussion Paper Towards Integrated Reporting – Communicating Value In The 21st Century
29 November 2011 HKICPA/SFC Joint Seminar on The Audit of Licensed Corporations
20 September 2011

Financial Reporting Forum on New standards on consolidation, joint ventures and disclosure, and fair value measurement - HKFRS 9 Financial Instruments and HKFRS 13 Fair Value Measurement full

30 August 2011

Financial Reporting Forum on New standards on consolidation, joint ventures and disclosure, and fair value measurement - HKFRS 10 Consolidated Financial Statements, HKFRS 11 Joint Arrangements and HKFRS 12 Disclosure of Interests in Other Entitiesfull

29 July 2011

Financial Reporting Forum 2011 – Stay tuned for developments of IFRS
Meeting with new IASB Chairman, Mr. Hans Hoogervorst

18 July 2011

HKICPA/ICAEW Auditing Forum 2011

- Photos

8 June 2011 IFRS Foundation Trustees Roundtable

- Photos

24 May 2011

Lunch Forum on implementation of Revised Code of Ethics from SMP perspective: – provision of non-assurance services


- Powerpoint Presentation

- Photos

1 March 2011

Financial Reporting Forum 2011 – Stay tuned for developments of HKFRS and IFRS
Meeting with IASB Member, Dr Zhang Wei-Guo

17 January 2011

Lunch Forum on Amendments to HKAS 12 Income Taxes

10 December 2010

Lunch Forum on HK Interpretation 5 Presentation of Financial Statements - Classification by the Borrower of a Term Loan that Contains a Repayment on Demand Clause

23 November 2010

HKICPA/SFC Joint Seminar on The Audit of Licensed Corporations

- Photos

15 November 2010

HKICPA/ICAEW Financial Reporting Forum 2010

- Photos

2 September 2010

Financial Reporting Forum – Developments in proposed IFRS on Revenue Recognition and Leases
Meeting with IASB Member, Tatsumi Yamada

22 July 2010

Financial Reporting Forum - Stay tuned for developments of IFRSs with Chairman of the IFRS Interpretations Committee, Robert Garnett

20 May 2010

Auditing and Assurance Standards Forum - Stay tuned for the developments of auditing standards and guidance with Chairman of IAASB, Prof. Arnold Schilder

- Photos

22 April 2010

15 April 2010

26 March 2010

23 March 2010

19 March 2010

18 March 2010

HKFRS for Private Entities - Overview Session

- Photos

16 Apr 2010

Financial Reporting Forum 2010 - Stay tuned for developments of HKFRS and IFRS

26 February 2010

22 February 2010

Financial Reporting Lunch Forum - HKFRS for Private Entities as a financial reporting option

- Photos

19 January 2010

HKICPA / SFC Joint Seminar on The Audit of Licensed Corporations

15 Dec 2009 Financial Reporting Forum 2009 - HKFRS 9 Financial Instruments and IASB Exposure Draft Financial Instruments: Amortised Cost and Impairment (FRF 10)
24 November 2009 Seminar on Exposure Draft of Practice Note 740 "Auditor's letter on Continuing Connected Transactions under the Hong Kong Listing Rules"
15 Oct 2009

HKICPA/IASB Round Table on Fair Value

15 Oct 2009

Financial Reporting Forum 2009 - Stay tuned for the developments of HKFRS / IFRS (FRF 9)

8 Oct 2009 (Re-run)

30 Sep 2009 (Re-run)

15 Sep 2009

SMP Forum – Update to Clarified Pronouncements on Auditing (Clarity Project)

2 Sep 2009

HKICPA/IASB Round Table on IAS 39

1 Sep 2009 Financial Reporting Forum on IASB Exposure Drafts on IAS 39 Replacement and Fair Value Measurement (FRF 8)
24 Jul 2009

Seminar on Solicitors' Accounts Rules and PN 840 Reporting Engagements

7 Jul 2009 Financial Reporting Forum on IASB Exposure Draft on Income Tax (FRF 7)
26 May 2009

Financial Reporting Forum on IASB Discussion Paper on Preliminary Views on Leases (FRF 6)

8 May 2009

Forum on "New Arrangement of Engaging a Certified Public Accountant (Practising) under the Hong Kong Immigration Department's Capital Investment Entrant Scheme"

24 Apr 2009

Financial Reporting Forum 2009 - Stay tuned for the developments of HKFRS/IFRS (FRF 5)

31 Mar 2009

Financial Reporting Forum on IASB Discussion Paper on Preliminary Views on Revenue Recognition in Contracts with Customers (FRF 4)

11 Mar 2009
Financial Reporting Forum on IASB Discussion Paper on Preliminary Views on Financial Statement Presentation (FRF 3)
26 Feb 2009 Financial Reporting Forum on IASB Exposure Draft ED 10 Consolidated Financial Statements - A comprehensive review of off balance sheet risk (FRF 2)
20 Jan 2009

HKICPA/SFC Joint Seminar on PN 820 Audit of Licensed Corporations and Associated Entities of Intermediaries

18 Dec 2008

Financial Reporting Forum on IASB Discussion Paper on Preliminary Views on Financial Statement Presentation (FRF 1)

15 Oct 2008

Financial Reporting Forum 2008 - Stay tuned for the developments of HKFRS/IFRS/ASBE 

12 Jan 2008

HKICPA/SFC Joint Seminar on PN 820 - The Audit of Licensed Corporations and Associated Entities of Intermediaries

13 Nov 2007

Joint Forum with HKEx

21 May 2007 CO Rewrite Forum
24 Mar 2007 National Standard Setters in Hong Kong
16 to 17 Jan 2007

Summary on IASB/FASB Round-table Discussions and HKFRSs / IFRSs Forum

13 Jan 2007 HKICPA/SFC Seminar on the Audit of Licensed Corporations and Associated Entities of Intermediaries