Overview for Authorized Employers and Authorized Supervisors
As an employer/supervisor, your role is vital to the nurturing of our prospective certified public accountants (i.e. QP students) throughout their practical experience journey. Read Recruit the best: Training prospective CPAs (PDF, 922KB) to get an overview.
Video: Overview for AE/AS
You may search for the existing Authorized Employers (“AEs”) and Authorized Supervisors (“ASs”) from the links below:
Major responsibilities of training personnel
AEs/ASs are responsible for supervising the training of QP students and confirming to the Institute that QP students have attained the required competences by using the bespoke online system. Learn more >>
Application requirements and authorization process
To uphold the quality standard of training for QP students, specific qualification and experience requirements have been developed for Member-In-Charge, Counselors and Supervisors. There are 3 stages for the authorization process. AEs/ASs are required to complete the whole authorization process though the online system. Learn more >>
Approved apprenticeship/ internship programmes
Apprentices/ interns of undergraduates can count up to six months of practical experience gained in the Institute's pre-approved programmes offered by AE/ AS’s employing organization. Learn more >>