Overview for Authorized Employer / Authorized Supervisor – Major roles and responsibilities of training personnel
The Institute accredits employers on a corporate level under the Authorized Employer (“AE”) scheme to ensure Qualification Programme (“QP”) Students are able to attain the appropriate type and level of practical experience for membership admission. For QP students who are not working for an AE, they may alternatively be trained under an Authorized Supervisor (“AS”) who should either be a member of the Institute or an accountancy institute recognized by us.
Under the AE scheme, each AE is required to appoint a Member-In-Charge (“MIC”) to assume the overall responsibility of supervising the training process and assign a Counselor to each QP student. The AS has similar responsibilities as a MIC and the same responsibilities as a Counselor.
Video: What does the Counselor or AS need to do during the training process
Key Responsibilities
MIC Deputy |
AE-Counselor |
Authorized supervisor |
Oversee the AE/AS scheme |
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Conduct renewal and annual monitoring of AE/ AS registration |
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Nominate and assign Counselors to students |
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Agree the online Development Commitment with QP students |
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Develop QP students and discuss training issues |
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Perform interim and annual review meetings |
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Sign the online Training Records |
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Endorse the completed online Training Records |
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Inform the Institute for any material changes (Note) |
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Note: The AE/ AS is required to submit an information update through the Practical Experience Online System within one month when there are any updates on the AE/ AS records. Late information update submission without reasonable causes might delay the date of commencement of the QP students’ practical experience or date of appointment of the new nominated Training Personnel.
Please refer to the Practical Experience Competence Grid and Record for Practical experience for more details on the competence requirements and the development progress.
Download the Support Manual (extracted) (PDF, 490KB) for more information.