Computer-based examinations
Q1. | What are the reasons for changing the examination format from paper-based examination (“PBE”) to CBE? |
As technology becomes more integrated into professional education, we understand that students feel more comfortable with digital formats mirroring their everyday working experiences. This strategic move is designed to provide QP students with a paperless, secure and digitalized assessment experience, making the examination process more dynamic and efficient, while also enhancing accessibility and reducing environment impact.
The CBE will be launched in four phases with the Associate Modules 2 and 4 being offered first in the June 2025 Session. Before full implementation of CBEs in the December 2027 session, CBEs and paper-based examinations ("PBEs") will be offered across different modules according to the following tentative timetable:
Examination Sessions |
June 2025 |
December 2025 |
June 2026 |
December 2026 |
June 2027 |
December 2027 |
Associate Modules 2, 4 |
Associate Modules 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 10 |
Associate Modules 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 |
Associate Modules 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 10
Capstone |
Associate Modules 2, 4, 6, 8, 10
Capstone |
All QP exams |
Associate Modules 6, 8
Professional Modules 11-14
Capstone |
Professional Modules 11-14
Capstone |
Professional Modules 11-14
Capstone |
Professional Modules 11-14 |
Professional Modules 11-14 |
The enrolment process will remain the same for all QP modules. Students can enroll in the module examinations under CBE format via the Student Centre during the designated enrolment period. The Institute will issue an Examination Attendance Docket (“EAD”) to all candidates via the Student Centre two weeks before the examination. Candidates are required to arrive at the examination centre 45 minutes before the CBE is scheduled to begin. For more details regarding examination enrolment, please refer to the Institute’s Student Centre.
Q4. | Will there be any difference in the 2025 Associate Modules examination enrolment fee between PBE and CBE? |
Under the phased conversion from PBE to CBE, the examination enrolment fee for the Associate Modules remains unchanged. Students can refer to the year 2025 enrolment fee schedule for more information.
Preparing for a CBE involves several strategies to ensure you are comfortable with the process and ready for the format. First, start by thoroughly understanding the subject matter as you normally would. Utilize the learning packs, suggested reading lists, and online resources available in the QP Learning Center to review the syllabus and topics relevant to your module examination.
Next, review the tutorial videos and CBE guides to familiarize yourself with the examination process. Taking advantage of the sample question sets for your module and practicing on the CBE Practice Platform is an excellent way to become accustomed to the exam format, learn how to select answers, use available tools, and manage your time effectively during the examination.
Finally, ensure that you complete all the checkpoints in the Exam Day Checklist before heading to your exam venue.
By following these steps, you can enhance your readiness for a CBE and approach it with confidence.
The practice platform is an online resource available for candidates in the QP Learning Centre. You can experience different types of questions that may appear in the actual exam, helping you understand what to expect in the CBE. This practice ensures you learn how to use any available tools or features, prepares you to develop effective time management strategies within the allotted time, and makes you feel more confident before taking the actual CBE.
The adoption of CBE signifies a change in the examination delivery model, but it does not affect the module syllabuses. Furthermore, the proficiency levels of the learning outcomes in the respective module syllabuses remain unchanged. As with PBEs, candidates are expected to thoroughly review the module syllabus to excel in the CBEs.
Q8. | Can I extend the examination time due to a slower typing speed or not being familiar with using computer? |
Examination time extensions due to slower typing speed or unfamiliarity with using a computer are generally not permitted. Candidates are encouraged to use the Institute’s Practice Platform to familiarize themselves with the CBE system in preparation for the examination.
However, if a candidate experiences slow typing speed due to a physical impairment that requires special supports during the CBE, they may contact the Institute to request special arrangements with valid medical documentation. For more information on applying for special accommodations, please refer to the Student Handbook.
Q9. | What should I do if I encounter a network connection or power failure problem during examination? |
When you encounter a network connection or power failure problem during CBE, please inform the invigilator or center supervisor about the issue immediately. They are trained to handle such situations and will provide guidance to you on how to resolve the issues encountered. Please be assured that the CBE will be auto-saved to the assigned workstations and can be uploaded to the examination delivery platform upon reconnection of Internet or power.
Q10. | When attempting the CBE, should I do the questions in sequence? Or can I skip questions that I don’t know? |
When attempting the CBE, you have the flexibility to choose your approach to the questions. A question navigation panel is located on the left side of your screen, which you can use to navigate between questions easily. If you encounter questions that are challenging, you can flag them to skip and return to review or answer them later.
The CBE results of Module 2 and Module 4 will be released together with all the Associate Modules tentatively on 1 August 2025 for the June 2025 session. Candidates can refer to the examination timetable for any updated information.