2020年第12期 | |
嘉里物流联网有限公司首席财务主管郑志伟分享如何引领这家物流公司扩大业务版图 Ellis Cheng, Chief Financial Officer of Kerry Logistics Network Limited, on what it takes to take a logistics company global |
The success ingredients in a pandemic
公会2020年商界专业会计师网上研讨会的嘉宾讲者讨论在新冠疫情下如何因时制宜、应对危机 Speakers at the PAIB Virtual Conference 2020 discuss how their businesses have learned to adapt and thrive during the COVID-19 pandemic |
2020年第11期 | |
Special report: Adding sustainable value
本特别报告讲述有关环境、社会及管治领域专家的工作及技能 A special report on the work and skills of environmental, social and governance reporting specialists |
获委任为2021年国际会计师职业道德准则理事会副主席的Caroline Lee,分享对新岗位的期望及其审计生涯 Caroline Lee, incoming Deputy Chair of the International Ethics Standards Board for Accountants, on her key focuses and background in audit |
香港理工大学专业进修学院副院长吴伟昌博士,分享从四大会计师事务所当顾问至投身学术界专注ESG报告及可持续发展的旅程 Dr Artie Ng, Deputy Director of PolyU SPEED, on how he went from being a Big Four consultant to an academic specializing in ESG reporting and sustainability |
Second opinions
How can whistle-blowing policies and procedures in companies improve? |
Thought leadership
The impact of COVID-19 on Hong Kong businesses
公会的调查结果反映新冠疫情对香港商界的影响 Key insights from the Institute's survey on how the COVID-19 pandemic is affecting organizations and business operations |
Young member of the month
Basy Li, Audit Manager at Mazars CPA Ltd.
中审众环(香港)会计师事务所有限公司审计经理利仕连,分享如何兼顾团队和客户的需求及审计工作的乐趣 Basy Li, Audit Manager at Mazars CPA Ltd., on how she juggles the needs of both her team and clients, and why a career in audit is anything but dull |
2020年第10期 | |
毕马威中国北方区税务服务主管合伙人伍耀辉,分享他的税务职业生涯及调职到北京工作的点滴 Curtis Ng, Regional Tax Partner-in-Charge, Northern Region, at KPMG China, on his work as a tax practitioner and relocating to Beijing |
日益普及的区块链为营商带来什么功用? With blockchain gaining traction, what's in it for businesses? |
区块链世界既复杂亦有趣,Algorand基金会财务总监郑英辉讲述投身区块链领域的历程 Michael Teh, Financial Controller of Algorand Foundation, on his foray into the complex yet fascinating world of blockchain |
Young member of the month
Lawrence Leung, Director of Corporate Internal Audit at adidas AG
adidas AG企业内部审计总监梁凯杰分享在德国生活和工作的最大收获 Lawrence Leung, Director, Corporate Internal Audit at adidas AG, on what is most enjoyable about living and working in Germany |
2020年第9期 | |
Rethinking the restart process
重整及破产管理专家讨论新草拟的《公司(企业拯救)条例草案》带来的影响 Restructuring and insolvency practitioners discuss the implications of the newly proposed corporate rescue bill |
黄龙德会计师事务所有限公司执业董事黄俊硕,讲述如何管理一家中小型会计师事务所、协助客户应对逆境 Edmund Wong, Practising Director of Patrick Wong CPA Ltd., on running an SMP and helping clients in difficult times |
Thought leadership
It's time for a new sustainability standards board
国际会计师联合会首席执行官Kevin Dancey对成立新的可持续发展准则理事会的看法 Kevin Dancey, Chief Executive Officer of International Federation of Accountants, on why the time is now for a new International Sustainability Standards Board |
Young member of the month
Leanne Law, Accounting Manager at Ednovators
教育燃新会计经理罗佩茵分享在工作上如何为管理层提建议及继续为NGO服务的志向 Leanne Law, Accounting Manager of Ednovators, on how she advises management in her role and why she plans to continue working with NGOs in years to come |
2020年第8期 | |
Special report: The problem solvers
本特别报告探讨重整及破产管理从业员如何帮助财困公司扭转局势 A special report on how restructuring and insolvency professionals pick up the pieces for companies when everything falls apart |
西九文化区管理局首席财务总监冯洁仪分享如何领导团队推展复杂的西九艺术文化项目 Kitty Fung, Chief Financial Officer at the West Kowloon Cultural District Authority, on how she leads her team through a highly complex project |
Thought leadership
公会发布疫情下的审计简要指南,说明核数师如何应对当前的审计挑战 Key highlights from the Institute's quick guide for auditors on how to |
Young member of the month
Fiesta Ho, Finance Manager at a multinational technology company
在跨国科技公司任职财务经理的何玉桓讲述如何将财务技能应用到科技世界、财务专才如何协助企业创新 Fiesta Ho, Finance Manager at a multinational technology company, on lending her skills in finance to the world of tech and why finance professionals must learn to help businesses innovate |
2020年第7期 | |
公会的《策略计划2020-2022》订下策略目标,协助会员与时并进 A close look at the objectives set out in the Institute's new strategic plan and what they mean for members |
Pacific Coffee Company财务总监黄安丽分享会计师技能如何助公司在激烈市场中保持竞争力 Janice Wong, Finance Director at Pacific Coffee Company, on how her CPA skills help in a highly competitive market |
Second opinions
How can “growth mindsets” help one go beyond and shape the future?
Thought leadership
Bridge the gap between ESG and business risks
商界环保协会可持续发展及企业责任顾问助理总监Nadira Lamrad博士,分享如何推动ESG与企业风险融合 Dr Nadira Lamrad, Assistant Director – Sustainability & ESG Advisory of |
2020年第6期 | |
国际综合报告理事会首席执行官Charles Tilley讲解国际综合报告框架的修订 Charles Tilley, Chief Executive Officer of the IIRC on its revision of the International<IR> Framework |
本文探讨公会的最佳企业管治大奖如何引领公营机构提高透明度 A look at how the Best Corporate Governance Awards have led to better disclosures by public sector organizations |
香港中文大学高级讲师李兆波讲述成为会计讲师之路,以及在逆境下如何未雨绸缪 Simon Lee, Senior Lecturer at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, on how he teaches accounting, and how to carefully manage one's finances in tough times |
2020年第5期 | |
Special report: Controllers of growth
本特别报告深入探讨财务总监日渐重要的角色 An in-depth look at the increasingly strategic and critical role of a |
国际会计师职业道德准则理事会高级技术总监Ken Siong分享如何协助提高会计师的道德标准 Ken Siong, Senior Technical Director at the International Ethics Standards Board for Accountants, on how he is helping to elevate ethics |
香港麦当劳副总裁兼财务总监陈国彬分析数码转型趋势及自我增值的乐趣 Keith Chan, Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of McDonald's Hong Kong, on digital transformation and the attraction of self-development |
2020年第4期 | |
商誉的会计处理如何改善并购交易的披露?本文探讨这个商业热话 A look at the global debate on how goodwill accounting can improve for better disclosures about acquisitions |
企业在新冠疫情下如何有效实行应变方案渡过危机 How companies can implement contingency planning measures to navigate uncertainties amid the COVID-19 pandemic |
Barings(UK)副董事赵倩雯分享由在开曼群岛担任会计师,然后转到伦敦从事资产管理业的经历 How Loretta Chiu, Associate Director of Barings (UK), went from being an accountant working in the Cayman Islands to helping portfolio managers in London |
Second opinions
How should businesses communicate throughout the COVID-19 crisis? |
2020年第3期 | |
安永大中华区首席执行官陈凯分析内地经济的发展路向及核数师应如何应对 Jack Chan, Greater China Regional Managing Partner of EY, on the growth of Mainland China's economy, and what it means to adapt as an auditor |
本文剖析过去20年来本港企业管治环境的演变 How Hong Kong's corporate governance landscape has evolved over the last two decades |
知临集团有限公司首席财务总监简佩诗分享她的事业旅程如何改变他人的生命 Sabrina Khan, Chief Financial Officer of Aptorum Group Limited, on the many life-changing lessons she's learned from career challenges |
Second opinions
Do professional accountants in business really need to be experts in data analytics? |
2020年第2期 | |
Special report: An assuring future
本特别报告探讨新兴科技和市场期望如何改变核数师的角色,在监管严谨的世代核数师应如何瞻前顾后 How emerging technologies and changing expectations are upending what it means to be an auditor today, and why auditors have to stay ahead in an age of tightening regulations
香港应用科技研究院行政总裁周宪本讲述如何开创香港的未来 Hugh Chow, Chief Executive Officer of ASTRI, on innovating Hong Kong's future |
中审众环(香港)执业董事陈晓奋分享20多年审计生涯中的重要收获 Ivan Chan, Practising Director at Mazars, on the important lessons he has learned from over 20 years in the audit profession |
Thought leadership
Hong Kong's new ESG reporting requirements: time for a more strategic approach
德勤中国风险咨询总监翁介中探讨环境、社会及管治报告新要求对香港上市公司和持份者的意义 Herbert Yung, Director, Risk Advisory at Deloitte China looks at what the strengthened environmental, social and governance reporting requirements mean for companies and stakeholders |
2020年第1期 | |
香港立德信豪会计师事务所董事总经理江智蛟,分享他成为香港会计师公会会长后的三大要务 Johnson Kong, Managing Director of BDO Hong Kong, on his three main priorities as the Institute's President
本文阐述公会为商界专业会计师制订《PAIB专业发展框架》的缘由及工作 The work and reasons behind the Professional Development Framework for Professional Accountants in Business |
Alès Group Asia香港财务总监刘泓泰分享投身护发产品行业的经历及从中装备的新技能 Wallace Lau, Hong Kong Chief Financial Officer of Alès Group Asia, on how joining the haircare world allowed him to build new skills |
Second opinions